Kwa mujibu wa ripoti kutoka tovuti mbalimbali duniani ikiwamo tovuti ya mamlaka ya mawasiliano ya Tanzania TCRA hivi karibuni imetangazwa angalizo kwa watumiaji wote wa kompyuta duniani hasa wanaotumia kompyuta zenye kutumia mfumo wa Windows.
Katika ripoti iliyotolewa na TCRA siku ya tarehe 12 May 2017, kumetokea wizi wa mtandaoni ambao umepewa jina la WannaCry Ransomware wizi ambao umeleta tafarani kubwa miongoni mwa watumiaji wa kompyuta aina za Windows, kama wewe ni mmoja wa watumiaji wa kompyuta aina ya windows basi endelea kusoma hii kwani ni muhimu sana.
Lakini kabla ya kujua ni angalizo gani limetolewa kwa hapa Tanzania labda nifafanue kuhusu WannaCry Ransomware, WannaCry Ransomware hii ni programu yenye kufanya wizi wa mtandaoni ambapo mdukuzi anadukua kompyuta yako ya aina ya Windows na kuifunga na kuacha mafaili ya aina mbili tu kwenye kompyuta yako. Mafaili hayo ni faili lenye kuelekeza kuwa kompyuta yako imefungwa (encryted) hivyo unatakiwa kulipa kiasi cha pesa kwa kutumia mfumo wa malipo wa mtandaoni wa Bitcoin na faili lenye programu ya WannaCry ambayo inafanya udukuzi huo udukuzi huo kwa taarifa zaidi kuhusu programu hiyo pitia ukurasa huu.
Sasa kuhusu unagalizi uliotolewa na Mamlaka ya Mawasilino ya Tanzania TCRA, ni kuwa wizi huo wa mtandaoni ni wakuzingatia sana na unaweza kutokea hata hapa Tanzania hivyo ni muhimu kwa watanzania wote na watumiaji wote wa kompyuta za Windows kujikinga kwa kufuata hatua ambazo zimetajwa na mamlaka hiyo kwenye taarifa hiyo, ifuatayo ni taarifa hiyo iliyotolewa mwezi huu tarehe 13th May, 2017.
What is it?
Ransomware is a type of malicious software family that infects and prevents users from accessing their files or systems, either by locking the system’s screen or by encrypting the user’s files. Successful hackers termed Ransom demand certain amount of money to realize infected files from your computer. The paying is not a guarantee for access to the infected files, users and organizations are discouraged from paying the Ransom.
How it happens?
The WannaCry Ransomware is infecting Windows based computers that have outdated and unpatched software specifically ones with Microsoft Server Message Block 1.0 (SMBv1) vulnerability. The patch for this vulnerability was released by Microsoft earlier this year and users of Microsoft computers can secure their computers by installing the security patch.
What should you do?
TCRA is hereby encouraging users and organizations with vulnerable windows computers to consider the following:
- Keep your computer’s security software, operating system and other software upto-date.
- Review security alert issued by Tanzania Computer Emergency Response Teams (TZ-CERT) ( ).
- Apply patches to Windows systems as published in Microsoft security Bulletin MS17-010 (
- Perform regular backup of all critical information and store offline to limit the impact of data or system loss and for easy restoration of data if affected.
- Avoiding opening unknown attachments in unsolicited email and where necessary scan all attachments with up-to-date antivirus before opening.
- Avoid follow links to an external unknown website, especially when you are not sure of the link.
- Organizations should employ a principle of least privilege to its users by restricting any user to have access to install software into the organization’s computers.
For more information:
TCRA advise users and organization to report such instances to the National Computer Emergency Response Team (TZ-CERT) through emails:,, Telephone No. +255 784558270 – 1, +255 22 2199760 – 8; +255 22 2412011 – 2 or Law Enforcement Agencies.
13th May, 2017
Na hiyo ndio taarifa kutoka TCRA ambayo ni muhimu sana kwa watumiaji wa Windows kote duniani na pia ni muhimu sana kufuatalia hatua hapo juu ili kujilinda na shambulizi hilo kwa taarifa kamili unaweza kuwasiliana na TCRA kupitia namba zao kwenye barua hapo juu.
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